
Generating Chords from Melody with Flexible Harmonic Rhythm and Controllable Harmonic Density

Shangda Wu1, Yue Yang1, Zhaowen Wang1, Xiaobing Li1, Maosong Sun1,2

1Department of Music AI and Information Technology, Central Conservatory of Music

2Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University

View the Project on GitHub sander-wood/autoharmonizer

Data Representation

Our data representation takes into account two pieces of meta-information from sheet music, namely the time signature and the key signature. As shown in Fig. 1, each lead sheet is encoded into four sequences of the same length.


Figure 1: A two-bar sample of a melody, beat, key, and chord representation (at a time resolution of eighth notes).

Melody Sequence: we use 128-dimensional one-hot vector to represent each frame, with a time resolution of sixteenth notes. The first dimension represents rests, while the remaining dimensions correspond to the 127 different pitches in MIDI (except 0).

Beat Sequence: a sequence of 4-dimensional vectors based on time signatures. It represents the beat strength of frames in the melody sequence. Its values range from 0 to 3, corresponding to four categories: non-beat, weak, medium-weight, and strong beat.

Key Sequence: the keys are encoded according to their number of sharps, with flats corresponding to $-7$ to $-1$, no flat/sharp corresponding to 0, and sharps corresponding to 1 to 7, for a total of 15 types.

Chord Sequence: each chord is encoded as a one-hot vector: the first dimension represents rests, while the others correspond to 1,461 chord symbols.